MCSS has a strong Student Wellbeing team which operates on and across the High School and the Senior Campuses. The Student Wellbeing program focuses on student learning by developing and maintaining close contact with our students and school community.
The school’s Framework and Policy manual provides a complete guide to MCSS Student Wellbeing practices and programs.
Student Wellbeing team
Each year group has a Year Coordinator, an Executive teacher and Associate Principal to support students and liaise with parents and carers. In addition, we have a range of staff with specific expertise to support all students in Years 7-12. They include:
- School Psychologist who works closely with parents, carers, teachers and students to address significant learning difficulties, family and mental health issues which impact on a student's abilities to participate in learning. Our High School Psychologist works three days a week Monday, Tuesday & Friday's and our Senior Campus Psychologists is available on Monday's & Fridays.
- School Youth Health Nurse (SYHN) are specialised adolescent health Registered Nurses that are located in ACT Public Secondary Schools. They are often the first independent contact young people will have with a health professional. Young people can access the SYHN through self-referral or through teacher or parent/guardian referral
SYHN provide individual consultation aiming to motivate young people to make healthy life choices as they transition to adulthood. SYHNs have a focus on early intervention, and when concerns are identified they work with families, schools and referral services to provide the necessary supports for the young person. SYHN are also available to run small health promoting groups, support school staff to teach the health curriculum, and participate in school based health promotion. - Youth Support Workers who advocate on an individual or group basis, offering practical and emotional support and helping them to develop skills to make positive changes in their lives. They plan and facilitate programs to address particular issues young people face, including: building self-esteem, confidence, respect, life skills, and communication.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer who connects students, parents, carers, community members through cultural events and provides a sense of belonging. Students participate in a range of activities that are designed around The Stronger Smarter Institute values.
- Wellbeing Support Worker facilitates social, emotional and wellbeing programs and supports community activities both individual and group. They provide pastoral care and mentoring for students and families and support better educational and wellbeing outcomes.
- Primary Transition Officer is the main contact for all Year 5 and 6 students planning to attend MCSS in High School. They assist with the transition from Primary School to High School.
- Transition and Career Officers (TaCO’s) assist student transitions into and out of the college sector and work to improve student career development outcomes. TaCO’s teach and lead career education programs in school, and implement quality workplace learning programs.
- Safe and Supportive Schools Contact Officers (SASSCO’s) is the trusted person/s to whom students and teachers can bring concerns about bullying, racist, sexist and discriminatory behaviours which they have experienced or observed in the school.