Performing Arts at Melba Copland Secondary School

Performing Arts is creative and inspiring and through training, performances, productions, talent development , intensive workshops and working with teachers who genuinely care about each individual, you will soon see what makes Melba Copland Secondary School so different to the other schools.

What we offer you at Melba Copland Secondary School.

Performance Opportunities - Our main production at Melba Copland is the musical, which students from all years take part in. Musicals have become a tradition here at Melba Copland Secondary School. Our senior drama class also produce a class production at the end of the school year. Other opportunities to be involved include our annual Dance, Music and Drama showcases, assemblies and Harmony Day assembly.

Regional Arts Program - The Dance and Music teams and our Years 9 & 10 Leaders work with our local feeder primary schools for the Regional Arts Program. Schools involved are Miles Franklin, Evatt, Charnwood-Dunlop, Latham, Mount Rogers, Fraser and Florey Primary Schools. Primary school students have the opportunity to participate in a dance program and/or a ukulele program, leading to participation in one of our showcase events. Year 9 & 10 Leaders develop their capacity to mentor younger students while also expressing themselves in their chosen art form.

Band Program - It is a wonderful gift to learn to read and play music. Our Band strives to achieve high standards with performances throughout the year. We perform at special school events and assemblies, entering annual festivals and eisteddfods where we have enjoyed success. Band members find that learning to play a musical instrument and performing with a band is a most rewarding and valuable experience. Band Information and Music Tuition.

Drama - Drama is a collaborative art form. We place great emphasis on the individual’s responsibility to the group and the group’s responsibility to the individual. Risk-taking, barrier-breaking and exploration can only occur because attitudes of mutual respect, support and celebration are firmly embedded within Melba Copland Secondary School. The culmination of a performance night showcases this celebration.

Melba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students BandMelba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production Melba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production Melba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production Melba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production Melba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production Melba Copland Secondary School Students in the Musical Production MCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancingMCSS Students dancing

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