
Melba Copland Secondary School operates two libraries, one on the High School Campus and one on the Senior Campus. Our teacher librarians curate dynamic, engaging collections to support students’ recreational literacy, and provide study and research support through library lessons. Students can borrow books from either library, and are able to access digital resources through Oliver and Clickview.

Read articles written by our library staff:

Libraries as Literacy Leaders

Teen Library Engagement: Learning From the High School Experience

Student Led Library Collection Development

Competitive School Libraries - Making the Library the Student Destination of Choice

Gamification: Incorporating it into TL Practice

MCSS libraries also offer library lessons which cover a variety of topics including how to write a Bibliography - Harvard Style, Plagiarism, Critical thinking and book talks.

The library also offer brochures assisting students on how to connect to the internet, how to borrow an e-book, how to access Oliver from home and general library information.

The libraries are proud inclusive safe spaces for students and offer a variety of lunch time activities including Chess Club, Crafternoon and Game On, our tech free board game afternoon, and once a term host a themed escape room during lunch.